Entries by milan


My framework for creating longer term roadmaps

As product managers (and product owners), one of our core responsibilities is to create, manage and own the product roadmap. Not only what we are planning to achieve in the next few sprints but also to be able to show what is a mid and long term vision for the product (or part of product) […]


5 easy ways to find a startup idea

Getting the right startup idea that would be worth pursuing is, obviously, one of the most important steps in starting your business. I’m not a very creative person and coming up with ideas wasn’t always easy for me. And I was definitely not alone who was struggling with finding the right idea. If you are […]

Two most important factors for my productivity

There are thousands of books and blog posts looking for a magic pill of productivity. They offer you an endless number of time management hacks in order to help you be productive. Instead, however, they often add a lot of small tasks to your to-do list that you can easily complete to feel productive, but […]

The right approach to validate your idea during Startup Weekend

No problem – no startup. Every successful startup solves a problem. Without a problem, there is no solution and therefore no business. If you want to succeed on Startup Weekend, you’ll have to quickly validate that your idea solves a real problem in order to have enough time to build the right prototype and prepare the […]

Ako vyriešiť last-minute zrušenie rezervácie cez AirBnb

Chaos, stres a panika. Takto nejako sa môžeš cítiť keď máš kúpenú letenku na druhý koniec sveta a pár dní pred odletom ti zrazu zrušia dohodnuté ubytovanie cez AirBnb. Aj keď je AirBnb super a vo väčšine prípadov je to pre mňa lepšie riešenie ako hotel, takéto situácie sa stávajú. No netreba podliehať panike. Mne raz […]

The Only Important Rule In 2016

I don’t like the New Year’s resolutions. In most cases, they are just wishes that never come true. I prefer having things organized and making realistic plans. For the past 6 years, I’ve been looking back at the year just ended, summarizing in and roadmapping – Is it even a word? It should be… – the new one. I […]

Don’t do startups that everyone likes

Let’s admit it. When you tell someone about your idea, you want them to like it. You are wired to crave for being liked all the time, whatever you do. And I’ve been the same, for now. I decided to change it, because I realized how toxic those words – “I LIKE IT!” – are. […]