I don’t like the New Year’s resolutions. In most cases, they are just wishes that never come true. I prefer having things organized and making realistic plans. For the past 6 years, I’ve been looking back at the year just ended, summarizing in and roadmapping – Is it even a word? It should be… – the new one. I did the same this year. However, the outcome was a bit different. I haven’t created any roadmap for 2016, just one rule to live by. And make sure that every decision that I’m going to make will follow it.

2015 wasn’t the best one so far. Actually, it was the most challenging since I decided to move to UK and lived there for over a year (looong time ago). 2015 was supposed to be the breakthrough year for Mentegram. Well, it wasn’t and it put a lot of pressure to everyone involved. We experience complicated situations and had to do some hard decisions. I believe that most of them were good, but not all. Actually, some of the situations made me quite unhappy and now I know that I should have handled them differently. Experiencing something for the first time is tricky. But (in most cases) totally worth it. I strongly believe that such moments of our lives form the personality and help us grow. Both personally and professionally.

Apart from other things, 2015 helped me find the new rule that I’m going to apply in 2016. Do things that make you happy. Don’t live someone else’s life. When I’m happy, I can make people who I care about happy as well.

Do things that make YOU happy. Don’t live someone else’s life.

Even though 2015 was challenging and tiring and I’m really happy that it’s over, I wouldn’t change much from what’s happened. I’m grateful for all that I’ve learned and got to experience. It helped me become a better version of myself from 1 year ago, so the best Milan so far.

What means that big things are going to happen…

Do things that make YOU happy. Don't live someone else's life. Share on X